When I was creating my Headless WordPress site, one of the largest headaches I ran into was creating a simple Instagram feed to display in Gatsby. I just wanted to post the most recent (as of build time) posts of my digital nomad feed. I also saw a lot of questions on Reddit and Discord channels asking the same questions I had with no answers. There is a community plugin, but I ran into roadblock after roadblock so I just decided to jump in and make my own from scratch. I hope this helps someone else.
Table of Contents
Setting up Facebook/Instagram Developer Admin
What we will need
- A Facebook developer account
- Your personal IG account / business account your IG is an admin of.
- Create a Facebook app for your feed
- Adding your IG user as a test user
The Facebook docs are not very straightforward and a nightmare to go through. I couldn't find any great tutorials on how to set up your Facebook app for a personal Instagram feed.
Set up Facebook App
Once you have a developer account and your Instagram is created, we need to create an app within Facebook.
Go to developers.facebook.com, click the Green Button Create App, select the last option "none."
Fill in the name, email, and connect to a business account you manage if you want to pull in a business feed. I did this for my website. Then create the app.
Next, we need to add a platform. On the left sidebar, click on Settings > Basic. You can are welcome to fill out the settings but the import part is we need to add a platform. Scroll down on the settings page to the bottom and click add platform.
Select Website and Add Your website URL
Now that we added the platform we will be using this on, we can add the product we will be using: Instagram Basic Display
You can either click on the Dashboard in the sidebar or Add Product on the same sidebar and select Instagram Basic Display.
Under Basic Settings in Instagram Basic Display, click on create new app. and add a display name.
Set Up Instagram tester (Must be public account)
Now we add ourselves as an Instagram Tester under Basic Settings. Scroll to the bottom under Instagram testers and click add Instagram tester. Once you add your account, we need to accept the invite.
Open a new web browser and go to www.instagram.com and sign into your Instagram account that you just invited. Navigate to (Profile Icon) > Edit Profile > Apps and Websites > Tester Invites and accept the invitation.
Generate user token in FB
Go back to your Facebook developer app page and navigate to Instagram Basic Display> Basic Display tab on the sidebar.
Click on Generate Token button for Instagram Tester user of your app. Follow the pop up instructions through and make sure you allow access to media. Click I understand and copy your token somewhere safe or add it to your .env file now.
You can test this info by firing a get request using a program like postman with this URL. You can check out the fields for instagram.
Setting up the Simple Instagram feed in Gatsby
You can view the full source code for my Digital Nomad Travel Blog | Gatsby + Wordpress Repo
First, take your user generated access token and save into your .env file. I named my variable IG_ACCESS_TOKEN
Adding Instagram Source Node
Now that we tested our API call and getting what we want, we need to create our source nodes and feed the data in GraphQL.
Creating the Source Node
First, let's set up our schema for our Instagram node.
exports.sourceNodes = async ({ actions }) => {
const { createNode } = actions
const fields = `timestamp,caption,media_url,media_type,permalink`
// Download data from a remote API.
const igResponse = await fetch(
const { data } = await igResponse.json()
if (data) {
data.forEach(post =>
id: `${post.id}`,
parent: null,
children: [],
internal: {
type: `ByoungzInstaNode`,
mediaType: post.media_type,
contentDigest: crypto
caption: post.caption,
permalink: post.permalink,
timestamp: post.timestamp,
mediaURL: post.media_url,
Setting up external images
It's a bit tricky setting up external images but luckily, Gatsby Has a Great Guide to preprocessing external images.
exports.onCreateNode = async ({
actions: { createNode },
}) => {
// For all Byoungz Insta Nodes
if (node.internal.type === "ByoungzInstaNode") {
let fileNode = await createRemoteFileNode({
url: node.mediaURL, // string that points to the URL of the image
parentNodeId: node.id, // id of the parent node of the fileNode you are going to create
createNode, // helper function in gatsby-node to generate the node
createNodeId, // helper function in gatsby-node to generate the node id
cache, // Gatsby's cache
store, // Gatsby's Redux store
if (fileNode) {
node.thumbnail___NODE = fileNode.id
Restart Gatsby development server and open GraphQL GUI. You should see your nodes.
Displaying content in Gatsby
I created an Instagram Hook to be bale to easily pull in the images throughout my website.
import { graphql, useStaticQuery } from "gatsby"
import { getImage } from "gatsby-plugin-image"
const useInstagram = () => {
const data = useStaticQuery(graphql`
query {
allByoungzInstaNode(limit: 6, sort: { fields: timestamp, order: DESC }) {
nodes {
thumbnail {
childImageSharp {
gatsbyImageData(width: 250)
return data.allByoungzInstaNode.nodes.map(node => ({
image: getImage(node.thumbnail),
id: node.id,
caption: node.caption,
permalink: node.permalink,
export default useInstagram
Then I use the hook in my Instagram Component
import React from "react"
import { graphql, useStaticQuery } from "gatsby"
import { GatsbyImage } from "gatsby-plugin-image"
import InstagramIcon from "../assets/images/svg/instagram.svg"
import socialData from "../constants/social.json"
import useInstagram from "../hooks/useInstagram"
const query = graphql`
wpPage(databaseId: { eq: 112 }) {
homePageTemplate {
const InstagramFeed = () => {
const data = useStaticQuery(query)
const instaPhotos = useInstagram()
return (
<section className="section-instagram pb-12">
<div className="container mx-auto mb-10 px-10">
<div className="flex flex-wrap items-center lg:justify-between">
<header data-aos="zoom-out-right">
<hr className="dashed border-t-3 border-dashed border-white mb-2 w-24 mx-0" />
<h2 className="uppercase md:text-5xl mb-8 lg:mb-0">
className="flex items-center uppercase md:text-3xl mr-4 md:mr-8 text-primary "
rel="noopener noreferrer"
<span className="mr-2">@BYOUNGZ</span>
<InstagramIcon className="h-4 w-auto lg:h-8" />
<div className="flex flex-wrap md:flex-nowrap justify-center">
{instaPhotos.map((photo, index) => (
className="block m-1"
rel="noopener noreferrer"
<GatsbyImage image={photo.image} alt={photo.caption} />
<div className="text-center my-8">
className="decor-link text-white relative animated hover:text-primary"
rel="noopener noreferrer"
View Instagram
export default InstagramFeed
You can view the finished product on my Digital Nomad Travel Blog I hope this helps someone else! It took me a bit of time to piece this all together.